In June 2011 we organised the exhibition called »I’ve Zine the Darkness« at dieschönestadt gallery in Halle (Saale).
»In this exhibition we explore artzines and their aesthetic and political dimension, when looked at as motivation for self-publishing and their production process as do-it-yourself or low-budget products. Artzines go beyond the established business or perception of art. They radicalize positions on art in many ways by creating hopes and expressing critique and are themselves intersections of actual artistic practice.«
June 3rd, 2011
8 pm — Opening performance of Caolin ink. & the image of power. They exclusively introduce their Artzine-EP (print run 25) at the exhibition.
June 8th, 2011
6 pm — Regine Ehleiter, curator of the show »Thanks For Sharing« in Kunstraum D21 Leipzig will give a short introduction to the term Art zines (art fanzines/artists’ magazines) and their emergence as part of the current boom in self-publishing and DIY culture in the arts.
7 pm — Karen Laube and Philipp Neumann of MZIN talk about MZIN and the distribution of works with small circulations common to self-publishing. MZIN is a store and gallery for graphics, art and pop in Leipzig.
8 pm — Schroeter and Berger (Berlin) talk about being artists, designers and publishers in one. Being hybrids means being bustling constantly.
10 pm — Screening of »Maggots and Men« (Directors: Cary Cronenwett and Ilona Berger, USA 2009, 56 min., English) as part of the Queer Movie Nights 2011.
Further information and the he whole list of participants you’ll find on and the exhibition website.
You can download the programm here.
The collection of the artzines shown in the exhibition is accessable at the library of the Burg Giebichenstein.